Touching the heart of Laudium!

New BeginningZ Children’s Haven has been in operation since 2001, with the main focus being children living and working on the streets. In 2003, due to HIV/Aids Pandemic they included child headed households to their focus group and in 2004 they had to include yet another vulnerable group – abandoned babies and toddlers.They cater for children between the ages of new-born up to 18 years. It is of paramount importance to them to render services and programs that are in the best interest of every individual child that they deal with.
In honour of Mandela Day, Miprint Consulting had the privilege of visiting this amazing childcare facility in July. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we were unable to spend quality time with the children. However, even from a distance it was obvious that these kids – and the house mommies too – are beautiful, precious souls! The love they give and receive from the Social Workers and other care givers is almost tangible.
The main purpose for Miprint Consulting’s visit on 17 July was to spoil New BeginningZ Children’s Haven with truck-loads of food, medical supplies, cleaning material, toiletries, essentials and even a few non-essential treats! We also repaired their faulty alarm system and CCTV camera’s and had the privilege of painting the jungle gym. We look forward to spending time with these vibrant youngsters after lockdown, playing, dancing and reading together!
The pictures below tell the rest of the story…