MiPrint assisting WFAA the Voiceless

In July, WFAA (Women For Animals Alliance) co-founder Adrienne Kelly received a desperate plea from a woman in the East Rand who had taken in a Pitbull from a terribly abusive situation. Soon after she brought Bodi into her home, there was an incident whereby Bodi had chased after a cat and killed it. This was not done due to aggressive behaviour but due to the natural prey drive of an animal. The woman then realised that she had a little boy and could not put him in danger. The message reached WFAA, a discussion was had and the conclusion was that we would fight to give Bodi the life she deserved. She had been thrown pillar to post and had never known what being loved felt like. We went through to go pick up Bodi and although funds were low, we knew we needed to get to her before they decided to put her to sleep.
We arrived at the house and there was Bodi, wagging her tail as if she knew we were there to take her to safety and give her a chance to show the world that she is not a vicious dog but more one seeking to be loved. We proceeded to take her to Kaiden Grove Kennels where she would be kept, sterlilized, dewormed and vaccinated while we worked tirelessly to network her out and find her a perfect home.
MiPrint saw this through one of their employees (Vincent Craukamp) and without any question made a generous donation towards Bodi’s care. This helped our mission greatly as we were able to pay off her vet bills and buy her enough time to get an enquiry for foster/adoption. We set up a meet and greet with the potential new family, we loaded Bodi into the car and off we went, crossing all our fingers and toes that we wouldn’t have to bring her back with us.
We did a slow introduction with the potential family’s dog and with anxious filled faces, Bodi was immediately accepted by Kodi, they moved around each other as if she had always been there, shared water and ran across a massive property while meeting neighbouring dogs on the way. We knew that this is where Bodi needed to be, the owners thanked us for giving Bodi a chance because when they saw her they knew she needed to be with them. Bodi walked us back to the car and watched us reverse out the drive-way, she took one last look at us as if to say thank you, then ran off to play with her new brother.
Happy endings like these can only be possible when we are fortunate enough to cross paths with selfless businesses like MiPrint, thank you for your contribution to making a rescues world much better.