
Products and services


Why choose MiPrint Consulting?

At Miprint Consulting, we offer a number of IT services and solutions that are designed to make your organisation more efficient. By accomplishing this, the important people behind the scene are also happier and more fulfilled in doing their tasks effectively.  

We are special
Our IT consultants and support staff offer services of the highest quality and value to your company.
We’re committed to ensuring quality solutions
This is why we keep learning and we keep up-to-date with the latest developments and trends.
We add value
Our solutions are designed to grow your business and to make it work more efficiently.
We support our clients
You are what drives us and fuels our passion to keep doing better.
We’re ambitious
Our drive to be the best translates to a workforce of passionate, dedicated people that are on your IT team.
Miprint Consulting is target-driven
We always strive to meet time deadlines and stay within budgets.

You will see improved productivity

As you get to see your business processes objectively, and as our solutions refine them and make them more efficient, your company will naturally and steadily become more productive.

We offer excellent customer support

So, even after your project has been implemented and settled, your dedicated account manager will still be available to assist and advise you.

Our IT services

We formulate the most effective strategies and tools to analyse the data that you have, or could have, available to you, research the analysis technologies involved, then integrate it into your business for the best results. Data analysis is crucial to understanding your existing and potential market and, thus, to your growth and success.

We formulate solutions to various obstacles or problems within your company’s framework and then develop the software necessary to tackle these problems effectively.

Whether you need short-term IT consultants as contractors, or you’d simply like to outsource a service or a function (like networking), MiPrint Consulting will implement the best solution and oversee it to completion.

We formulate the most effective strategies and tools to analyse the data that you have available, or could have available, research the analysis technologies involved, and then integrate them into your business for the best results. Data analysis is crucial to understanding your existing and potential market and, thus, to your growth and success.

Our up-to-date insights on the hardware and software available and necessary for the efficient running of your business puts us leagues ahead in terms of coming up with an IT solution that is going to work for you and your company.

UX refers to “user experience”, while UI is about the “user interface” of the hardware and software that we make available to our clients. Although they are quite different from one another, both these elements focus on making the technology and devices as easy to use and practical as possible. They work hand in hand with one another. UI is about how the graphic design and typography help the user to accomplish his or her task in the fastest, most efficient way. When the UI is unsuccessful, the user is confused, frustrated and unproductive. UX refers to the overall experience and satisfaction related to using a specific device or technology.

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